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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


What do I think they MD the rest of them program gonna do in life? Meet a love, and withdraw everyone's lawsuit like they might have behind talking to each other, and bump into each other or the Judge.

These people you never met, I had.

So in the 10 years or next 20 years saying that Judge never make any one thing happen, but in any date of the Heaven's time, one someone strange shows up, that is the time they will hear what the Judge says.

  • For a few phone call, or for any stability of that any living setting, they will let go a lot of the stupidity of them. First they pretend they are normal to that love one.
  • Second, this thing I say to them, "Stay in-room 4 side wall until you make it that MD program."

They will not do anything I think, and I am not forcing anything. I just say clean up. 5-7 months. No more any of that talking, not those past. Stay the new time now. 

If I got told to join that program, right....I finish the program first. Its a lot linear method they meant? Meaning including the interview, you just need to make the classroom 4.0 + the double major undergraduate + MCAT to USMLE 1 or 2...up to.

I never try out that side of the career choice. If I were them .....

You will not get any love but focus on the medical board says on the map?

Correct. But I am not in any of that program. It would be I think the Pharm D.

I like to go to the school, but I got so distracted by so many so many so many things. I cannot focus on anything straight to English or any textbook. If I were to re-do ...they suppose to tell me 10 years ago.

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