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Whom? 花千骨 Ep 13


Second aunt and my brother

Irene's brother and 花千骨

Its a generation upside down, not sure what it says. 

Something about Catching Fire, the visitor.


Ronan and Justin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ5DX61whgg

We getting old.

Dr. someone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoDTWkHo2Qk

Reflex, soft tissue

Most people eat a lot of the meals, not breaking between the meal, if inside a home you say you are with your mother, like me. Or another guy. Usually when you are more stable, the finance, you could stay with your mom or if with the guys. 

If with the guys, these washing mechanism just never never stop. Really. I probably say that thousand times, because its 2 people eating. Sometimes the guys free off that part of the brain about the food, they go and be more free everywhere else. Its a stable home and the food. 

Here we can just buy something very quick outside. 

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