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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Galatic (Tim Cook, prime direct order from Galactic or Mahavatar Babaji might be the same people I don't know.)


This morning ....


They are all mortal. There is no Zen, not even that artifact Bible, if I used that word, they are as if they are arrived. I understand all that. Their internal structure, none. The cellular prana, or any degree of long practice will be none at this time, Sir.

Tim Cook is not the beginning like Steve Jobs, all that Silicon Valley will retain that still culture starting when Bill Gates (or Steve Jobs) that overall bracket of the invention or entrepreneurship. He is a just white collar or the blue collar worker in our world term.

None of them are classify to treat things, I told SMCH "Sit, shut up" including my mother, those police from Taiwan, I actually know their character, its all very communicative they understand, they just drag that 2 stay in Taiwan just shut up while I deal with any of this. They 2 in the most immediate scene, can keep 5 mins, not this free will American, they doing that to their own Court Room, its contempt to the court, or their TV fame too wide and long greater road of the commodity pine or a simply crowning moment. Its very very psycho, the local American, it will never be classify. I understand the whole thing of that. same for Bill and Kery, if I tell them ,"Shut up", they have the friends around their to drag them back where they belong.

Tim Cook, he got the people looks like him, not he is entrepreneur.

Right now he has the stock shares, million people in the universe has those options.

Under the classify system, they right now thinking R or Greys are family or bossing them whenever they feel like, or Prime Directrive what does it mean, including any part of the classify. Everyone inside that world at least knowing "Shut up", mans. They do not have the IQ or the literacy or the academia, to proven the outside existence, no self cultivation if not on the meat diet, or you saying the New Age diet coming close to. Never gonna be this Bible bathing 10 days, and what not this Red River Manga the ceremony, or Tibetan some of those oracle idea. Its made into our world a very ...black looking things, and those people are not wealthy. The nearest wealthy idea, there is only one Bill Gates. But ...he imagine he is stepping up too at which position. I assuming in the real world sense outside, that degree or entrepreneurship its a lot more that independent spirits, and SHUT UP at the court room towards anyone even on Earth, NEVER at those classify when things be called.

But no one thinking the classify is scared enough, so in 5 to 20 years, they realize that classify materials are the benefits of the Power or should have their own back and forth trying out the Judge seeing his patience, they done that on purpose. 

I know all that. I cannot input anything, and while all this pink song of the true love, that is as far as their service to humanity ever willing. I don't think ...there is any substance of that name political spirituality other than a very flat, looking like that, a simple collar rank of the working class, if not on gambling or anything else I understand about him from far away. All that he is a quiet person in the quiet life. There is nothing else. If I would have know all this, I would have never never never have one social media profile to have all these entire junks and hellish things toward me or their FOREVER life will ever incurs to these karmic debts, they do on purpose. They envy, they pine, they are the mortal, and they are the rubbery just their parents never tell. One Tim Cook, he is not my thing, we are too far away from the age, or even the experty, while the comic book or just because I mention, everyone thinking the internet space so small. In the real life, it will forever never gonna be the real life you mean...the movie: Mean Girls where all things started.

Steve Jobs he listens to. He believes in him, right. Not his own mother he will have anything to say.




There is no spirituality here. How am I going to explain to him, a stainless cup to begin Tim Cook? A blanket on the ground with a floor seat that is the modern on line, or past we used, those polyester 1 inch thick? His legs too long, the meditation thick butt sit if in the National Emergency, he is a business collar rank, not the military nor entrepreneurship, that is Steve Jobs and he dies on it.

He is NEVER gonna be that Steve Jobs description of his beginning inside his biography, that is everything looks like outside. You want to ask Steve Jobs yourself?

NEVER NEVER gonna be this, EVER.

The local America got nothing but the human will, their patriotism, you suppose to know that what the democracy spell under, their own very attitude you will tell me, your every other worlds fill up those human mortal looking to you one Central too dim light this seating rows, you could just meant the Taipei Tape Water Factory or the underground water City Property file-ing paper statues online, is a very hidden private things. It will never be proportionally towards their own very mouthful jobs, never shut up. 

There is no way forever none of them ever be near the governmental. NEVER gonna be One Eye, NEVER be shadow drawing close the conspiracy theory, NEVER ever....whatever too good to be true under without the will...

Its those Game of Thrones. Its very very psycho if Sci-fi is not psycho enough. There is no prana in any of them, not one single cell trying to generate a what, the conscious to one spiritual doctrine degree. ITS HELL degree, if you didn't already sign that when me and them settle this 50,000 Tranduil military retrieve. 

Starting with that one Queen. They don't need to ever care about when they becoming like her exactly. 

I think he blackmails the whole universe, we just saying you all outside vanish under the hologram, they have every evidence claim remember? If I know what this is the ENTIRE COSMO.... Tim Cook is from a local American which town to which unheard of the local university, that if Steve Jobs would have saying none of them are the metropolitan sleek, he will ever be, plus, Steve Jobs were the type of the human everywhere himself when he started the Apple, he spread himself among his height, or talking, or calling or actively seeking towards with that face of his.

Where you gonna get me a face issue, that is not landing on that comic book?

NEVER THIS on the bench side, you mean the restful player or the behind the line player. (Slam Dunk)

Before the National


It will never be. Someone has to explain to me, my look to where next 20 years mean. Even in our planet, he will NEVER becoming the conversation, really imagine that or that high school Steve Jobs, WE ARE here on Earth.

American President Salary 400,000 + packages
The football coach Salary 400,000 + packages

I would have hope his beginning of that Apple to when he arrives the very Top, right now, we aren't equal saying....you know how the language shapes up the human starting 2014. Really.

194 countries its not 2 millions per yearly, one subjects in music. 

WE are the enemy, or we are not the Family, right outside my yard?

They have too many free will, under our premise here, that is not the faith issues, its the Corporation sleek like you all. They retired with their happy romance life included. I cannot input someone about to be hang, or be dead, in whichever method I meant I tale that Purna should or shouldn't be "incomplete" not  "incompetent." ; she is about to die, saying that million times, already dead without that fame too great Dr. Slovenia, you want to find him first where under the hell fires to spell the celestial girl and the wood cut man? 

My mother is her best friend?

He is an America, he would knowing it so well what that word means INCOMPETENT.

I personally will just tell you, Tim Cook FOREVER WILL ETERNALY NEVER be put next by Steve Jobs a photo cover just like his biography how early the Apricot tree or the Apple trees he and his ex wife has a Lisa to begins whatever that was they meditate like a hippi. NEVER gonna be Tim Cook, FOREVER NEVER will be the orchid or the apricot tree, why don't you try the Canadian strawberry or the blue berry farm. I live nearby used to be. They have the psychi valley south of too much of the distance in driving. At least I KNOW THE PLACES.

I don't think so.


My House Roof?

My mother with?

Mimmo, Tony, Tim Cook, or which Presidents? You mean not my pets birds ...

Its the private property own manual, to be in the real life scene, none of us have anything at all related to any one activities, they are all the newspaper hearsay people. You imagine the internet space from my mentioning of the people's faces, its all false. They don't exist anywhere Taiwan, IS NOT China, one of those saying in case you don't know the economic statues will FOREVER never be the spiritual endowment, the Taipei Center its 4 block walking to. The happiest moment of someone whom knew what that is, to the content in life.

My mother needs to retired, if not down stairs, or next by, you mean you built them a terrance all around here, the birds are all the way on the left White building Top? I highly doubts these property can just be purchase, you saying they really have in what kind of the money or the visa traveling issues.....

They have the karma, not the reality check.

You cannot have the prime directive order from the American Top Classify to imagine landing in....whichever this island does not exist in their local Americna ROTC too sleek to spell the pregnant women trendy in the Capitalism political, with what? The 4 block walking daily meditation to spell, the mind, body, soul? You mean their witness of the past redemption, you violating the private property owner manual line in the section of the Article of the Chapter, someone even my district here court City can read it to you, not just spell to you with the curse words.

It will NEVER happens. Their classify has a door, with their guards looking like you. 

See these photo human be Amazing on their outside door be thrown out physically imagination, I will not to be that heavy soon....

Supreme Master Ching Hai 清海無上師

You mean her pretending 50 mins is fine, because she done that 40 years long enough, or you mean they just watching her from afar not my private property owner manual, or you mean she will come up here, her best friends place, where I staring at my bowl....one of those combine, they sit on the floor, here is the floor marble toooooo cold. She sits on the chair with that SMTV her contact last person set up for me, I forgotton, there is a SMTV internet....almost identical like that Truman's Show, whom shows up, bringing her close or bring them close to what? 

The interest of the Galaxy or just before they say their prayers to die, about what? 30 next pretend to meditate, her requirement is 65 years old, and she meant....a certain thing long time ago better at the DNA level, she might just prepare all that herself in the literal words, so voluntary this time, before I asking her....the cellular memory, or the cellular structure or the DNA related things for this one book of mine, her entire sinful nature to which Master were dead or locked, you settle her, or imagine blackmail both me to them....

I re-phrase, pretending to be her?

You mean Steve Jobs when he was 17 years old?

She is in our world even that camera - digital not the none artistic background.....I say earlier pretend 50 minutes she is fine, she got the background. There is a Sailor Moon story you and me discuss over this one Tim Cook starting at the prime direct order, that sounds right at all in our world, really. 

I don't even think she is super related to Babaji, what you gonna do? Make her make me? She was an ABC !!!! Now she remembers trying to related to me .....let me remember all that. 

I think she meditates earlier years too. I never say everything is all faking starting that later what German doctor all that.

Her, or copy her? There is a difference ! 

It will never happen, not her, not copy her. I am very very sure when Steve Jobs dead, it means he be dead according to.....

They all need to retired and go home (I look at her some of the video), meaning the youth coming up at this time. Tim Cook is a very long time I saw him. Its 10 years pass, that is not possible. You all outside know what you all look like.

Not possible. They want them to relax about 10 years ago, or make the wave for all of the leadership including the Kenshin Himura inside, but they are getting too fat. They don't see beyond the physical realm. Its the same equal right. 

She was jailed or the lawful paper unhold on her. No.

All that is trepassing the world standard just trying to say be a normal human, a lot of this things, for the Cosmo, not possible. They need to keep their jobs, really. 

Same to Hailey, they all can leave Mormom and the parents, they are big enough to go on the street because that is what it takes, but HEY, they go back to control the guys inside the church they think that is normal. The medical board probably will tell a lot of things its by that sense they settle all that, its everyone tries to do the correct things in life, they wishing you well, including go on the street for the mistakes they make, not keep going further that.

Here the real Earth sphere, a lot of the things is impossible. No.

That outside commander-in-chef, I need to go.

You do realize, that is one me, one interval time 1 -780 all by myself. Not one Taiwanese, not one Chinese, not one American, no one stands beside. Not one.

Never gonna be those 10. Not this Eon after Eon or Kalpa after Kalpa ends, they have no English literacy or the laws words in logical, if the romance not enough to rinse their mouth to quaint the hell fire. My head space is not even on Westlife, to be honest telling you the truth. I told them or explained to them yesterday. 

I was a responsible person Eon, Kalpa, Ageless Eon those Wheels mean. I cannot function with all these things too much inside my own individual life, you mistaken I could do a lot here, even the National coast guard Oct 2021 those, from Two Weeks Notices will sound a lot they are down from the movies, rather than any American classify degree, they look exactly like you.

That is the classification layers, just like our Evolutionary Biology, It cannot be discuss, not possible.

<The end>

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