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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Re-word this

The military resource (1:27)  Here

The beginning of the audio (7:36)  Here

The healthy people know, the guys averagely have a lot more that sense.

Loki (at Thor 2, when did he says whom die at Loki 1 ?) (0:06)  Here

        When did he says?  That? 

UB all in this movie want to beg the American medical board. (1:01)  Here

We are not talking about anything related to your parents, in case they didn't just sit there to die out, or revenge enough to kill everyone all around those attitude. Want me to describe you the same guy, no family kids, no wife, but the property to look after. And your parents?

That will be the business (0:49)....what.

Business in the music (1:55)  here

Business in the real estate (1:11):  here

So this is about the ideal guy I keep saying they create his own personal community where one or 2 real estate got sold, and his house a a full paid, and half house was paid but in rent, and he looking after his own uncle, the aunt, or the family friends' house where he is in his own happy world, sometimes he has some other joint venture business trying out, in all over the American 50 states. How many times we talk about this?

Business in the religious incent (2:24):  here 

Business in the medical hospital business (2:18), here

Business in life in general (3:06)  here

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