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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, I don't go to the main stream media.

They emergency I show up. This is actually all emergency really, have you see IT home working? How do you feel when you hear someone its a home working jobs, type type type?

(yeah I skim through, those are copy to Steve Jobs when he is alive, the speaker when he was in sick leave.)

You didn't watch this movie or understanding, maybe Hank with me living in his house toooooo long, I took for granted

I tell you how I begin.

How I started in UB. 

So in the retrospect of a talk in the Business (on the top of the navigation), I told everyone about something road I took, and I say you can only did that when you were 23 years old. And that UB begins were when I was 21 years old.

When I begin in my school, I stay with James, the guy looks like the Real Love the second frosting guy. Exactly looking like that. Every girl in CAC have met him. 

When you saying a foreign land, I come to stablize one year and a summer, you saying I am guessing paper works in front of me, without discussing that with Dr. T, what is the next step, or either one of us all be dead, how many things I collect in the facebook that time. My brand new land, a brand new world.

All these 20 years passing, someone will tell you a lot of the professors when they research their thesis to start when, they were guessing or they spot the newspaper or the journals, they have to be really like about it, to say,.....none of them were my works. 

So my works = I got lucky. And it got shut down at this BTX, none of us can move.

How funny I didn't quit my life or blame on anyone. I even just say that is the classify material, we finish talking. In the democracy world or under the Capitalism, you can almost just say someone can be dead or be secured, and I just.....too catching up in time to fix this Flower Thousand Bones. That is not about the math, not about the actualy job, none of that were anything real job, it looks like another field right.

If we start all over again this physics, not the chemistry; this will be really really really really funny look, 2021, I say that lightly, someone would have lose all their jobs, for one biology...next is      physics     imagine.....None of this are the teaching fee, I guessing that. I repeat about a dozen time over something if any of you seeing the impatience Asian, that will be my brother. 

I gonna put a bar here. Now, you are all those whom gear inside the business world. Only I picking up my Atlantis pieces to somewhere God knows where.

I can tell you a thing without the business school, not even Dennis notes. Its a business note powerpoint slide. I got the medicinal chemistry exam from Brady, it doesn't....do much things. But I tell you how that school used to be. I didn't read anything inside the business.

1. The business name, the logo, the branding.

2. The small business proposal (your lending)

3. Number 1 is super expensive, they are. You saying if someone succeed before you to have all that planning, there are. Just not this Youtube, because you saying the receive pension is not that whole lot. Correct.

4. You register a business name, a bank account, a newspaper to publish a notice, when you acquire.

The details things some the business owner they know they going through all that. Next year before my birthday, its the American Tax year. Meaning your reading your tax form, and figure it out. - the Math. You know these math is not my math, it has to use the calculator. You run your bill, you all knowing this per procedure. 

A lot of these scene will never ever comes to your life, when you saying between a claim name and a job, or any scene, you so sure inside your life, you are 100% what you doing - you know every step the ways.


Technically when in my grown up time, there was this Bill Gates and Steve Jobs always on the TV, then there is a Mark or then this Tim Cook. You always saying a lot more this frontier people inspires the kids, so when we hear a number like I was 15 years old the middle school the printer unit was dpi in yahoo.com.tw.

How funny Steve Jobs first job or what thing in the apricot tree near by, he what the yellowbook. You want to guess how old they were, when we imagine the freshman words, or we keep introducing each other, I feel one year older, and they are 2 years younger. My graduation year was on-time, just one year EF lay back, in the high school.

None of this are super important. Its your patience run lows or run thin, because every time if you imagine you starting a brand new field of the works, you will tell me, that is almost impossible we live all over again the UB college major, you saying one biology, to one physics on the back of your mind - someone like me in which brain.

It will not be in the chemistry periodic table, that is formulated !! It does bothers you.

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