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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I am not from Heaven; none of you cared about that, remember?

Its already eternity shut down.

Outside using a system, and this hierarchy of the ladder might be somewhat will have a resource within, whichever the physical seen world, to connect to the spiritual order. That leadership coming out, none of you thinking they are funny. Only I think, really thought that was funny ! Happy for them. Sincerely wishing them well, and be happy for them, and are funny. If I make a voice memo telling you all just copy and paste, I mean it exactly copy and past.  Here.

Your first impression to them, its to make an impression.

AFTER, they screening it out the System Talk over this income Loving the Silent Tear. You cannot change their verdict on that. Not with the spiritual orderly order.

You cannot move 100,000 people, you imagine Earth is 500 Medical profession.

They have a blood line methods doing things exactly Bio-tech, and less degree to say, you are not, or NEVER running away home a third world country water girl without the public hygenic people after you at all. With whom?

oh ~~~

You go on purpose to be in debts, the red ink. 

People wishing you well, not necessary you doing it deliberately believing next meal, or next IQ problem I clearly indicate to you per road map, all the time to every single resourceful methods so one individual in this world can be getting up by yourself without your parents. All of you need 

  1. Your parents.
  2. Your buddy friends.
  3. Your friends will sway you.
  4. Why don't you just live inside the police station, they will always be the only friend, everything must be legal, AT ALL.
  5. Soon, it will be the senior care. 
  6. Someone knows exactly what I am talking about. It won't matter which one were on my facebook. This person may not remember because he talking out loud. No one remembers or why he is on the TV at all. - The senior care the temperature drops too low, too cold, every single year on. Never Canada. 

Getting a moral right, and a career + an education + the resources as a medical doctor / profession, its you all suppose to see the map, go and kneel at them how they will save you. Really. Never hearing that enough I am telling you.


Know something....that one what thing? oh ~....like I told you once again. In this world, no one has 

1. The kid
2. A bf, or a gf.

No one.
We just carry a conversation, do you like Dr. Gabriel Cousin, or listening to some of his personal work in the Youtube, those were done long time ago, its neither me and any of this SA age, what if we doing that in a general the competition inside that field.

Out of the music us.

No, they are not identical. No.
Do you like Dr. Bruce Lipton, the epi-genetic, or the Gregg Braden when they were used to be young? 

What about if I told you we CAC 4 girls + me, we gone to this UB Alumni the physicst, Brian Greene.

The powerpoint slide presentation. 

All of this are 10 different direction field. Even Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy, or Project Avalon, Inelia Benz with Bill Ryan.

Not American Got Talent Ryan Secretest that guy. 

Inelia Benz has her own friends back in 2010-2012 those time. Ending up in the Victoria Secrets - With You (Cello), her daugher, she herself book, and someone she gonna says kerry, then....bill, or later whichever this Venus looking older lady on her radio show before.

All of these people are not the main stream media.

SA is the main stream media. 

American EVERY president is the main stream media. All the China Drama shows inside that China world, its a main stream media outlet. 

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