Those are real. To meditate, to keep precepts, not gossips, every word coming out of your nose to breath or to say, per word, per sentence. No game, no plays.
That is the precept 1000.
And the meditation hours.
But correct, when you are a lot book bind, or more Asian this less socializing, you don't tend to open your mouth to learn per word, per sentence, per structural saying.
The court proceeding anything, I assuming they doing that for a purpose. This entire SMCH groups I didn't see them discontinue, only I got discontinue....if in the end of the days, these are exactly what I mean I say, I care, I see, I know. There are a lot of people not doing the ratio or following the exactly that Master's instruction. Your progress is your only dismay. Some experience talking about in the magazine let's say, that some of the disciples putting those dream or meditation seeing experience, if were true.
A several account to those lowly disciple, meaning you doing the outbound things, you will be seeing the rest of the disciples flying through the sky roof, fast fast fast like she says.
While the court room proceeding, if they can testify that this magazine when the public access them, its true, or tell me these words I say are false.
I will tell you its where I highlight now, there are the eternity and the forever issues.
You got informed, so then I wish you will be imagined, that also as well, while proceeding all the court room hearing, or fussing at.
The other day I draw you all that Shane's building 2 side by side. The end of those question those SA whether true or not true human, it will be label as the "celebrity.". I will be that yellow looking things...
In other words your jobs are going there to fuss, how long those hotel paid by the celebrity expense, you and me have a different agenda in two different buildings, I can tell you in the end of the days, that is what it ends up.
Its a lot more your IQ problems, really.
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I can secure the First Life that is King of Kings, or Lords of all Lords unbrella. That doesn't mean a very clear saying on Buddhism, because that Purna that current trouble makers' how you all ending up in the court room, you will be facing your own future, every dilemma. I assuming China land me that platform, that doesn't mean I go against they say, to....this either Indian Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism, most of them are learning the English with that one Bible.
Fou Lafine is a Bible holding....
I hope you understand if any religious was your fanatic saying, this time you have your devotion not to me, it will be every religious leadership in the original, if they be found on the map, that I say here, its purely I meant it
"Spirituality", and never ilegal.
To this Flower Thousand Bones, I compile to what I understand so I bring forth those idea of pavilion, that doesn't mean in the future days how the court room finding, if you all get lucky, its the princess idea, not the religious heart magic, its no precept, and one whole lifetime in jail, ....that eternity, or forever, its best you all bringing out your assembly, truely with your head, what is the heaven or what is the hell inside your every Book, Bible, Old or young those are mis-used abused, like Indian all color there.
I can see you .
Its best you use this lifetime, here I am right in front of it, you get it your assembly in order and done. Anything but All Things in Digits, that is what I mean.
I went to tell Nicky a few things, right.
Everything of my per words, or per body response its by per high tech, per instruction, it was worse in 2016, right now its a lot finer, but the birds or the otters show up. Its in a different form.
Zawanna says then, its Zawanna says. But I have a Ronan issues. He is a real vampire. I set Nicky that time up I told everyone in Taipei one apartment, you get a key in.
Ronan will kill that Shane 20-30 years later, and if Nicky left that Ireland line, Ronan will land here in Taipei with that Craig Ballantyne to search, but they cannot find, because here are the million people structure and they mumbling in China interests, those will never land at the airport 40 mins away. Ronan already killed a girl, the vampire, if that is very domonic, or purely evil. She looks like those Alex next by red hair or Ola, type, but the eyes a little bit different shape, I cannot see clear. Its some times ago, she was dead.
Zawanna is like Zombie idea, I know that.
So I wait with the court room, or the Judge or Taiwan police...if right now they are in South America, its a string holding at Taipei as far as the South America, will not fallen to all the way that planet if throw out of the gravity keep south east going.
2) I already explain if they are in South America, they are all blind right now.
The second posts this morning.
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