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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...



Did Nicky lie to me?

His legs got chopped I saw, one leg. (I went to ask Nicky!)

My mother is Tina's best friend!!

"Heaven's gifted" = 天賦

69.00 Kg.

How come I don't have the right, everyone has the constitutional right? 

I told Nicky I have a lot of coughing this morning ....what did he say? 

It looks like original ....

The Victoria Secrets

Nicky's right foot

The Otter - 7:40

I feel funny, if I staring at the TV in front of my face....and why would Zawanna told me what?

Everything is illusive....a foggy on the top of my head, I am on the Top of the cloud.....

Westlife - My Blood

Ep 15

I ate

My head so dizzy...

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