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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


你們說什麼,我頭好痛,這本來有繩子,你們白色衣服,切掉 他坐得好端端的 ! What did you say, my head hurts, this originally has a rope, your white clothes cut it, he sits perfectly fine.

I am so dizzy...我好昏

I think its your princess vs commander, not princess vs commander-in-chef at the court room position says. In fact, no one is at this commander-in-chef, I wrote here + commanders.

I think its your weight issue, your personal image issue, the sex issue, the whichever image soon-to-realize dreams issues. My skeleton, I have a cap. This is entire body hit that side of the wall with the boxes. 

我覺得是你們公主 vs 司令,不是公主 vs 總司令, 在法院的那種位置說,事實上,不是總司令,我這邊寫 + 司令


I am painful, this is the entire skeleton weight, the hitting.


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