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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


在講你們中國,中國有這種新型類似台灣那種新竹科學園區或是南港 If they separate and Lana, those current 2 daughters return China for that...2030? His dad's name is in one of those profile, I am not sure if he is in the jail at all.

They both will not get the character to the modern China inside anywhere guy's attention. 

Not those English accent, not those look, I don't know their height, and not those attitude. 

中國千人計畫, probably meant the Sailor Moon Prince and Princess again idea? No, not those kids. His dad says she got married, I imagine that might be?!

Dr. Bing is not the only kind of the China top scientists, there are a lot of them, without him. Its for them to talk about in the court room I guess. You talking about the real Chinese inside the China line inside. Why don't you say try Taiwan the Silicon Valley, because China got one perfectly their own Silicon Valley. Its all design area, the design facility, the design modern all sleek looking all around development. 

Every year are the Sailor Moon Prince and Princess. Literally BIG BIG BIG development. Everything new ~~~~~

I just not speaking in Chinese, they suppose to just pretend they themselves finding a girl looking or pretending, or how they will evolve to 2030 all by themselves, whichever their news says before President Xi anywhere....lost in sight, I am telling you. Their history re-write. A Whole China territory to find like 100 girls to carry the rest of the man population in worship like those Red River Manga, that is exactly what it means.

Ishtar? for one China 2030. 

With the brain, with the look, with the height, with the language. Except I don't know if I know they require them to speak in English, not very sure. But even just for the China mainland language I think its Mandarin. To bossing the entire Asian Domain without Taiwan, they strive all the time, not the 4 little dragon standing in the way, I am telling you....

The shape, the look, the literacy, the hygienic, or just...I have no idea what happened inside at all. 

你們知道台灣有這種新竹科學園區或是南港這種? 中國也有呀 ~ 一種矽谷的類似,中國講每一年人才做 100 的女孩子有學歷、身高、中國語言、科學發展,長相呀 ! 身材呀 ~~等等等等

要幹嘛 ?

好像是你們 2030 講中國是不是要英文,我不確定 ! 但是講每一年一個女孩子長的像

美少女戰士地球王子跟月亮公主,不需要這 Dr. Bing Shen 他自己不知道他自己女兒長什麼樣子,他沒有他太太就死了,吃的食物 ! 美國要煮飯 ! 台灣不需要~~在樓下!

赤河魅影不是有那種英文字叫做什麼女神,中文我沒有時間看 ....我其實一個時間都沒有,我都在做事情,好像你們都在看我出糗的意思~我在故事裡面 ! 所以你們現在中國我沒有要去,你們要自己講說我尊上 40 歲很老了,你們有 20 年從 20-40,意思每一年都可以有一百個女孩子

做女神,或是月亮公主呀 ! 站在全中國的男孩子的正前方,在 2030 出現!!!

美少女戰士第十一集,我不清楚要不要英文,但是我這邊,這種混亂現象,算了 ...你們自己從做你們自己想要的,我這邊不知道是坐監獄 ... 第一中國內政不能干涉,第二你們聽說要長大幫我長大,第三好像是要幫我尊上,第四在講一遍,你們長大坐在我頭上的意思! 第五我重複講做一個成熟個體走在我頭上的意思,因為尊上有國外很多資源,看起來中國是不需要啦 ~但是第六如果你們看著我個現在跟未來,是你們未來的 60 年的今天叫做

Ella Enchanted (魔法灰姑娘) 或是哈利波特的第一集,懂?

Not fried food 不是油炸的食物

Weight 身材

Sorry Shape

其實你們可以找一千個,然後五百說是醫學不只科學呀 ! ~~~是不是要講英文 ?! 一定是說我尊上在外面做了什麼 !! 

I think its more of you all be the Honorable Superior, if you pretend enough at least you have 20%....

我覺得是你們乾脆做成尊上,如果你們假裝至少你有 20 個百分比

You are living in the modern China history and time


Dream Exchange Games 夢幻遊戲


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