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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The electric chair - Mental Assylum

Tamang, Ola and Karen.

Tamang has a ring hook on the top, not the neck. The head. That is in America. You get lucky here on the island only, not here, but one of those island. The younger boy to go there and draft, one of those.

Karen's data will say something like I see....she is doing that on the facebook or which social media, her entire high school all knowing it, its to kidnap me, with that SMCH. She does on purpose. She plans or before data was she provokes on the facebook i didn't see one word of it. 

It is between that Chris, to sexual whatever, with Adria and Billy, she will say in one of those, but the details I don't know what are that meant. They both pairs move out of the Buffalo that time, she was in the athletics gears. Like 10 new girls those field track. The new pictures.

Meaning I think she got distracted ...the things in front of her face, those are suffering. 

When you are really working in the real field, no one is genuine.  Not really. Because they know you are in the compete and compared formats, and they ensure to hurt you 1 to zillion every time they got. That is what happened most of these UB on the map.

They don't need to tell me. I know that.

Kerry Katona

1234567.125.13788261(6)5173886201254431100(1)1534886251267171168175256171163181100 you know what I mean. (110)

Gillian (Shane Filan's wife)


Georgina Ahern (Nicky's Wife)

2531147889(6)1587263155264171(7)  Zawanna added 5178, Ancient Chasez added 15697783214778865178

Jodi Albert (Kian Egan's Wife)

115627811568 3 115678911568681156787115621211563241156886.2178.315.318.399.371.359.350.171886253169271278265255109883(6)150127128129133.0

Mike(??) 1536881654 對髒 2781 2581 339311.254 (this is extra) 3611571611581711561801234567.100 sorry 110 I say.

Danielle Parkinson  (Brian McFadden)



oh Brian Instagram, his hair ...He gains too much weight those Indian Ayuveda, look like Hailey's dad best, your liver stone included, your mood, the guys looking like you, the only Judgement is shrink to Hailey's dad.

That day opens you mouth, otherwise don't talk, forever.

Every one last human on Earth, that will be Jonathon's dad and Jonathon or Alex getting too fat if were 3 jails, its just the Mexican mother.  She has no jobs.

I cannot get in the Instagram, I already told you. He left Westlife long time ago, looks like a real kid, or whichever causes him too stressful. Technically if you don't force the guys to sex, one of those included, no near, no breathing room, no kids, no period talking. Because its far away from it all. 

Never see, never breath near, never know.

Western guys has this oil gland to the skin tone and they smell too. Soaking the water never ends best. We girls hair is very long, so when I wash with this new design facet, not the traditional one. The one from the top, the girl hair so long, you pull back and I open per hair strand to wash out those shampoo, inside, the bubble? I keep rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, every day you spent 5 mins more on rinsing per hair pulp, no, what is the word. hair faulical, you lean back your neck to that poison line with the water (hair to the face), and keep rinsing per hair your finger can separate them all away. Take a shower everyday.

Its 5 mins more just slowly open per hair strand. Its still a beautiful brown color on the top.

4 limbs end, the nails. I rinse them too. The birds cannot shut up.


Ola's head keep sticking out here.

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