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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


"If you are hungry, you want some rice or pasta?"

"No, its not a big deal, its just some of all that added all together. "

"Your friends should be here soon."

Westlife - I Will Reach You


"We have the Pizza, the Italian pod, those are with the cheese in it, and some tomato sauce. No, not Prego. Chicago double pizza on the stand. Kinda of looking like those cheesecake on a stand. But its too much the tomato sauce, it is a pink sauce. Just a different recipe to be less butter or cheese or fat. Its flour. "

Boyzone - No Matter What


"Those are the vegan version. Diaya cheese.  My mother portion, she is a vegan, so all those substitute were already side by. You eat the real cheese right?"

"Right, the bakery or the grocery have all kinds of the already rise up pizza dough, its the same pod dough, you just add everything in it. The onion and mushroom fried, the washed black can olives. The salted washed, meaning, its probably a lot more plain, you cannot taste it anyway the cheese in it. We have the artichoke from the can. Washed."

"I don't really like the movies."

Wake me up when its over


Pitch Perfect 3


"You want to wash your hands first, here is the kitchen soap, here is the towel. You eat with that washing your face you will feel a lot better, the bathroom there. You are the first time be here?"

"You waiting someone to call you or anything you wish to write it down, you can just tell me."

Westlife - Close Your Eyes


"We have some gift packs here, in case you are in the car you have the bottle of the water, the cookies, some orange, some quick too tired things the alcohol hand wipe. To go on the airport, your airplane and shuttle all that. We have these take-to-go French bread sandwitch, its a baguette. The plastic wraps all around, there is the apple slice, the avocado, the mayo, some baked thin ham. Its not very fat, but you can take 10. Its a small European baguette. Its a container before you go outside. You want to see, you can eat one, if you want. Here. This is the container with that lid on it."

"You want to pass that yourself to the living room the guests with you yourself the name to them? I don't know half of those people, but you can get to know all of them."

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