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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You are not obligate to cook the group food.

The salad

I think the good home grown garden to these green leafy, beside, that is only in the summer.

The soupy

Because the soup can first made, later added that Vietnamese glass noodles in, for the Asian, that is a bowl of the noodles soup, not the rama noodle the dollar store. You have the military or the police those kinds of the people, you give them the rama noodles from the dollar store?

The tampa or the soy mock meat  + the green bell pepper + the onions

This is like a plate you take that salad and this.

Fried spring roll or the Vietamese those roll + the Korean egg roll

These are you have 1 or 2 each, you cut that in half, that is 2 looking. How big is the plate?

Nick's Italian bread Ciabatta bread +  a spoon of dice tomato+red onion + ice scoop of the sour creme

You stand there station, each container is one people hand out that one spoon, or one scoop of the ice scream scoop.

A bag of chips + a small dish of the salad (tomato, onion, and jalapeno peppr)

This is the extra things, a bowl of the noodles its the stainless cup or you saying a separate bowl. Everyone in the retreat has that stainless cup. 

Try again another post? 

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