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The food cooking menu (still at the war time Ukraine - Russian War) 要不要自己填在下面 !


You know how the Western world has this kind of the grocery store, they have this aluminum foil, the center people (SMCH from Toronto Center), they doing that often. Tina one time did that, and she bought a candle below that container for Hank and her other group of the friends - except I don't have the food. That is very very very bad human character.

Do you want to write that yourself below? 你要不要自己寫在下面 ? 這種團飯去國外的台灣同學會? 或是中國同學會,反正你們都很隨便不是嗎 ? 有大學部跟研究所的同學會,聯誼,國外沒有這種傳統啊 ! 所以吃飯、燒飯、煮白飯 !

The salad (for the family, you always washing that)

Centrifuge that. 脫水  💝

Carbohydrate 碳水化合物

What is the definition of the carbohydrate?  No, not juicing, not raw.

Cooking the veggie or the meat

The sauce like the gravy, the meat sauce, the red sauce, the white sauce (without the burn onion), some people do that the professional chef.

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