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Page 3 (group food)

The salad

Some cesar salad green + bread crumb + parnarson cheese.

The whole loaf bread, you cut down the edge, and strip them, one small tiny oven full, that is the bread crumb, you add some oil toss + parsley powder.

The bread 

Ciabatta big hole bread has 2 variation - the black olives, or the spicy red pepper, you acquire that in the bakery shop. They make it every morning fresh. It has to. Its in Toronto. A lot more, probably than Italy too. Their bakery has a very expensive license things. Nick's aunt has that.

The milestone soup

Its just the tomato paste after (the celery + carrot chulk + oil fried a bit)

Or Chinese we have this potato adding in the celery + carrot chulk / oil +some cabbage Taiwan, to make it a lot more less dense / concentration on the tomato CAN taste. 

The white bean soup

You need to unshell them when you washing them one by one, but its fat like those Mexican diet, on those beans can. Nick eats the black eye beans.

I HATE every beans looking to me, every kind of the beans. I hate it. 

His tradition is to dip the bread or the entire sandwich shop downtown Toronto somewhere, the entire sandwich inside those soup and eat it. Not the cuisine type, the barbarian eat-out type, that is what he means - you EAT.

The pasta 

The bowl or the plate, sorry, I mean the deep dish bowl, the regular plate size, but deep basin. + the sauce to that pasta tradition, but we are the vegan so the simple sauce. Its the garlic in it. 

You can add the basil, the home grown.

White gravy, I eat the white gravy. He eats the tomato paste made of the simple sauce his sister make. 

The mazorella cheese + a slice of the knife job tomato (big) + one big basil leafy

The store sells green or the purple olives.

The rapinni soup + the tomato

You need to cook about 45 mins, until this entire stem of the rapinni is completely rotton cooked. He does those when I drive long time to arrive his home. 

Wegman's has the rapinni salad. Its the flower part. On your left passing the bread. They are the glass pantry.

The red potato cute  + rosemerry + red paprika

You need to marinated the potato in the fridge with this rosemary, really. The plastic cover. Its gonna be crispy outside. From the small oven. Not that much electricity bill if you are using the big and over heating. 

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