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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...



1) In America, you have those sour creme, a baked whole potato, + Chinese chive

Canada, you can have a real green onion.

  • All has to be thoroughly salted and washed, because of the parasites eggs. Its a raw onion types of the plants. Since that electricity bill, you dump about 10 potato whole ones inside the big oven. The same time, the same temperature, its the left over every single day !
  • To me that is a food like the rice. You the real American, I am not sure if you seeing that as the real food, the Nacho cheese, the sour creme and chive. parprika pepper.

2) If you process 10 in the oven, then another 10 to boil

The mash potato

3) 20 red potato cut in half, marinated rosemerry (herbs), salt, paprika pepper

You got nothing else to do in the kitchen.

My mother is doing this cup, white, purple, white, purple. I say what you are doing? Quack quack quack. She is going out.

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