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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Why is Shane tuttering? !!! You are looking like that to show up, because Earth here Taipei that is no threat? He has only gf, not any guys friend I remembers....

The Earth air is different, the gravity is different. You descent, no one USING ROBOT in LIFE. NO ONE. WE ARE NOT the Space Age, they making that UP front cover all that. Behind they do whatever they want.

Are you gonna lend him money? Why MB goes to hell should?

ANY tiny settlement you could make the whole world them be happy, that is EVERY one last us think. 

I am very sure you think him like worse than the skunt, really. The begger on the street format. 

That is what you say? !!!!! (on the Slam Dunk), SHUT UP birds.

Earth has to use the Earth method, its better you just leave us alone, him alone. He will NOT go having a planetary catastrophic outcomes, so he sent himself to hell or all of us got ruined. At least he knows that !!!

Even what, he literacy wise, he stands on that stage near by, HE WILL NOT DEBUTE ANYWHERE, NOT the humanity stage like that. Are you from the tree or are you from the birds? The bio cells? What do you eat?

They all looking very similar to me, the birds or the otters.

You know how old he is on our planet near by, NOT YOU !!!

If he goes to these hospital gathering or the anger management having a lot of the friends to group in the Asia format, the Asian world because of that life is relax, he goes playing the PC games, and all his Taiwanese family should be removed away? That sounds right. 

He doesn't have one friend, one neighbor, one street whom he goes and buddy or talk. Even here the handicap she does nothing but walking around to sound like she opens her mouth. He will be a lot happier and anything in the US to move back here that business formats. He IS OLD now to our Earth standard, NEVER GONNA HEAR YOU, not outside, not Corperation sleek, FOREVER NEVER NEVER NEVER American classify, that word is not the world zone world. NOT EVEN military, not the material science, not Harvard, not LAWS.

NEVER GONNA BE the music or the boyband, FOREVER. SHUT UP, birds.

I do on purpose, you cannot tell.




Our Earth gravity too heavy for you?

Taiwan is VERY VERY humid !!! 
The summer too hot, never going outside. But the women will die the whole world off, those are the chronical FOREVER problem here on Earth. 

Too hot too hot in the summer here.

Texas has nothing around. HE is what in Taiwan schooling, NEVER gonna be the physics or NASA. I am very sure he forgotten or never picked that major since Montana.

NYU requires the TOEFL, or SAT.

That is 20 years pass. You cannot tell me that is 50,000 years left over ....

They are papa razzi ,...

You mean you want the pizza, or that is Tomato Pie New York Buffalo near UB, that is the shoeless MY SHOES sneakers. Or My Tomato (California sunshine), he tried that again whichever he new perfect life? He is too old on our Earthly age, they usually die out, because no friends, no family, no one around be trusted, and they are selfish. He has no groups, not SMTV groups, not SMCH groups, not birds or these never ending enemy in front of my faces Otter or sky combine, and he doesn't even have one NYU classmate I think. Not 1000 human from the local. He got no one, so he got you?

How he will NEVER raise you?

I destinate to become the Honorable Superior, NEVER HIM WILL ever be a pa. When he met you included that time. That is a lab product, not a pa. No one in our world means that Bible deliver, or anything spiritual world, ever. Not here. Not metal. 

That is one simple line, they go and jump, that is the end of the story. He only surf that merits til he last here from local Taiwan here because we have a passport, he can last with a normal money to live in the city even. That will be his paradise world again. 

(You can get mad all that....)

I just tell you, he is too old in our Earth sphere, really. You suppose to know what that means. It doesn't matter you are the military those military sleek included. The classify is not a word on our planet, NOT a real word. Not really. 

Square doesn't have a second dad ....for that she and her brother back and forth living where? His dad or his mom's house with the best friend? Never gonna be the military sleek Devil Wear Prada. What I put yesterday that page .....I know I lied. Because you can intend to say 13 girls be happy one or 2 times meeting, or near by whom?

Zawanna or Kail they coming it down?

That is 2 times show up, they see Annca or that Astor guy. That's it. They flew back to America, again those 9-5 hour without the money. Square doesn't care about the classify one word, because ID entrance NEVER allow any of them. You want to tell me Babaji can show up?

How long? 2 time?

Its already worsen 1000x, not to say million time, if this MB too happy mood to live in Hell EVER shows up, all that gonna be million times worsen, I am not sure American they will be like that to make the whole world hell.

Or just let it go. Sunk it and die.

Can you just quit? Shut up, birds. That word will NEVER exist, not "classify" FOREVER. I don't even know for sure which part of the money they give me, really. NEVER classify. 

I know what you did to them, or whomever design these materials.

With the real spiritaulity, because that Eon or Kalpa ends here this time. 

If they make it selfless including to die on the street, there is a difference ending. 

But the Earth court is slow pace, not spirituality, that is a legal word here, just live and breath and die, stays where the passport are.

Never about God, fine.

Die in hell fine.  All of them will not choose the evolution at this time.

No. They are not born into the family or they didn't rise up by themselves in time. No.

Not in time.

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