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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Not those committee, we imagine they are not the physical real human with that kind of the brain or the tempament any Idol God included. NO!

He is IT looks like. No.

He is not here math?! Growing it tall like my brother, he gone to NYU, none of this. No ... / 


Chinese, math ....


I don't think you mean the laws professor just ilke the American world, do you know to here local Taiwanese not us ROC

He with Erin those small tiny world, small tiny commodity. You mean the current pillow military women, or you mean American mliitary girls?

.... He is a Taiwanese, they already imagine I am the American speaking in English. Dr. Gabriel's New Age diet with that SMCH on the TV or all those programming, none of that help. HE IS NOT ANYthing close.

He is not going to put up a fight in the language himself !!!!! You stand over there, screaming like my birds never end, HE NEVER ARGUES. He got mad, not he will talk you back.

He is the same like he USED TO 19th century !!!!!

American classify NEVER will be the local American citizen them, the citizen are the left wings, how many times I keep saying it.  He might just becoming Pierre, that kind, you like that? 

He will never be the Corporation Sleek, not medicine, not laws, NOT Silicon Valley, NEVER gonna be Idol GOD. The real estate its everyone low IQ can do it, even outside, not sure if the real estates are the trendy .....to acquire the monitization first.

EVERY trendy outside ITS NOT US. 

They need to be Karen's that new bf dump her or whatever that is. Meat for the belly...in the Bible those. Tina cook those things. She left.

I what?

I cook those....why don't you tell me how they die the Last name ROC. Pang grandpa, its hanging on the second floor......Taipei Station on the wall, so there is a booth with 2nd marking that is how HE DIED on the second left.

He is not going to get humiliated and die. I don't eat those.





Its cross that vegetarian buffet - Tom's World in front of the Apple Factory, behind that  Crossing that traffic lane to Zora, behind there. 

No, I never been there.

You are? Showing up there to eat with him?

Really, the full embodiment of the robot. Do you listen that to yourself?  WE DON"T HAVE THE ROBOT technology HERE!

When you and your buddy friends exzilirating inside all those gossip too long too happy, too much supports every single day every single hour, ....the common goal, you feeling like you descent here very special. HE CANNOT SEE ANY OF THAT!

Are these birds robots? SHUT UP. (my blogger late save, I already refresh didn't get the right page. Re-load.)


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