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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


他們現在發現美國自己本身一樣東西都沒有,they found out American as themselves, not even one thing at their hands.

大概就那樣 That is probably what it is.

意外險太高了 The accidental insurance is too high.

真正有位置的軍事裡面是捐款死亡之後,白人叫做政治極端的關係 The real military position will always be those with the money family background, no kids, and after dead, its the political extermelist, donation to the American military.


The white foreigner girls have a lot of the ego and self-esteen, that is why all the TV goes direction its to Asia.

Tamang's face is Chinese, not Indian. His family is wheat color Indian. Right now the facebook looks different, it was very darken black. Not him. I met him.

Tamang 的臉其實是中國人的臉不是印度人,他家人都是那種小麥的顏色印度人,現在臉書都是長的很奇怪,不是那種黑漆嘛嗚的顏色,不是他,我見過他 !

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