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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


我幫滴妹寫好了,I help that Tawian Youtube girl to write 給那個長官的那個人,to that commander Indo-Asia Pacific American commander

你就自我介紹長這樣,然後你簡單想一下你在 Youtube 三個階段 2015 是不是? 你什麼時候開始的? 敘述一個故事關於你一開始為什麼想跟你哥哥一起開始,怎麼討論的



你說蔡阿貴是南部的,沒有那麼多的營運額,講一下你們倆的不是競爭但是他太太有兩隻,做手工藝的! 你看起來有幾個事業附近,不是一個人!

"My name is .....everyone called me.... I am from Taiwan, living in Taipei currently near my parents and done some works while I was joining in the Taipei somewhere university. This photo is my brother, next by me. We are the real brother and the sister.... I brought my parents on the youtube channel about 7 -9 years ago. We try out.

We are the team from the management company here local Taipei Taiwan, near one of this metro line stop, its my brother's older office. 

I am by myself right now, with some of the crew memebers about 5-10 people normally we see each other and discuss, and you might already seen some of the other couple, or the brothers partner with a group of all people. We are all the Asian look to you, maybe you cannot tell us apart, but our internet here landscape, we will conduct the business methods. We want to. That is a part of the reason we starting this Youtube busienss. We have complete some of that planning inside the business on my parts. I took a lot of the initiatve for doing this.

Here are the 3 break down of the things I wish you to know about me....... "

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