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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The spiritual side of the nature

The human has the desire - the pining of the commodity goods.

You seeing all these business world convention center where those women empower each other doesn't mean they attempt or going to rub someone's attention or the business if not the wane all that attention someone else's husband, they didn't evolve to say that, they just forced to stand like that.

But under the Capitalism if you cage yourself inside a piece of 4 side wall without the parents, without the church, without Mormom, so you walking free to join those Asian, Japan, Muslin, Indian corperation sleek, you saying your benefits of the doubts / jobs were you starting when you were in the middle school, you wish to grow tall and it cannot stop.

That nature didn't becoming a part of you, but that solitude inside the 4 walls, because its just one monitor you staring at, you ensure your monthly paper works or the credit cards expense its every eye sight, you don't scared yourself next month with the interests. You might even think everyone doing that as normal or healthy, its just you cannot organize as the high school, you are not scared enough if each of this banking statement, your interests pile up for the next months, you saying you are responsible, or you saying it was just 3 months without looking, too much too much attention away from the Line App group chat room.

None of that ever real, none of that will continue to exist, none of that is the true world scene. None of that will ever lasting....at all.

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