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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The church missionary

Its comes to the time I lecturing ....

You trying to live in the poverty line to given away those humility running deep gadgets or the food or the water to those needed third world country included, same to the war zone. The doctors without the border, its your dad has the dignity.....not the maid like the missionary.


They have the magazine shining places to read all these distribution aids. Its from Taiwan here....

Not even the magazine arriving to your eyes already sprung up your interval praying groups of the devotion, some meant a real Eon or Kalpa ends, so there is one piece of the artifact Bible? That is outdated 5000 years ago, or 2000 years ago? You cannot reach the end of the classify, but just one human perception Judge. You are not going to rectify your body, mind, or soul just in how many years, 10 years on the missionary, fame on other people's sympathy here, those are not real.....

But I am very sure your parents or your church meant, what it was intend to say, or how well I throw people on the homeless street or the shelter, you mean all that you doing were under the God's witness, and indeed, it was so very well true.

As a human world how you grown up in the White world including the education not the third world country India has even the public drinking water issues....You have the means to access a few variety freedom will to each other in that congregation of the mass, including your own very Top those business. But what you define the older age people having their world, its you youth getting married and having any kid other than tempt to say, you soaring up high, I can tell none of you were any responsibly meant a contact person position whether I know it or not, that pride they given you weren't free....its you looking somewhat right on the camera lens. That is beyond your comprehend you are on the same side with your guy,

Or your Only Parents, you feeling that inside outside including your own very sibling. To the Western World, the sibling isn't growing the closest, or until you really need them when you run down, you wish seeing your sibling as a desperate well wish, your parents left you some merits of those torturing holiday or the money expense, you didn't give it back, and for the Capitalism under, it is all true, except you doing that as the church business or intend to say, walking right cross me, or in front of me.


Remember, the things don't arrive doesn't mean it didn't happen starting on the first day, and all the well wishing to you were not you crushing it down you yourself between that you trust, or you saying its all shall trust, but really inside you, as a person, as a girl, or as a fake plan, you have too many things inside in that compete and compared, you are burning inside outside every single day on not just every night 11 oclock.

Your parents were always nearest to your heart, when they fallen apart or if any one of them fail you, you will start to feeling cold in every world around, you say you intend to make it in life, not every 11 oclock at night.

Those other people's sibling isn't yours, or you could tell that yourself, if they got thrown out the first degree murder between the 2 true love, why anyone dessert you out of those world scene, you won't perfect, you need a break, you need everyone away be your attention to something you truely care.

Too much noise that die down, but let's imagine if you getting what you want, really a whole house without a noise, you didn't realize some of the things they put it all up for you, I could tell you didn't know you were too valuable in that name saying, they wish something right or well for some others, but all that women were mostly the poverty line including your mother if she didn't make it herself, to that ending of the 65 years old the senior assistant home, you mean your parents have plan their saving, or you all intend to say the church will look after you.

If you are not sure, that's why I told you that PDF, you don't imagine a run away high school without the school degree, you plan on getting anymore job, and that America outside the church isn't to say, too quiet too near, those every minority groups such as the Asian, Chinese, Muslin, Indian, or Japanese....work force, it will never arrive those Corperation sleek, not even the military age...

You are under the Church, none of us are related.

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