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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The human free will is to lament, to tease people those fatty Ed bear doing the crime such as 911, its every tease hurting people on purpose all the time.

But Dr. Steven Hairfield near by the Area 51 more civilized, say they are the bad people. 

Whine, lament, vain, vent, pry, prone, calculative, be more twist, or the psychological....you see, things don't realize, isn't that simple truth at all....When the Time comes.

I think I might have to put more money at EF donation box, because Tina and Pang's ....whichever the curses words, how does she learn that English at all. Oh mine, is she conditioned?!

Eating is a culture, fatty is to sit. Potato is on the couch, so Sci-fi never becoming a reality, you will start with the shape and the academia performance. Or even to that military sleek, its the height, not the chair. 

What the glory of the imagination of the none imaginable, its how they talking to their senior officers to imagine outside if they have the talking art the senior officers. The terrible human.

American doesn't have the human crowd. If you bribe the Fire department or the police station to come into one, and you all becoming that togetherness to United States begins.....imagine....

Everything and anything BUT the Super man. 

Just because they hang me the material science at the fire department wall, its walking next by coming it down the wall to whichever next door wall.....I don't even know its the small unit ever had the wall.


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