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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, that is my name.

But when I had no name, I always grow up to believe something bigger, and I will read, and I will learn, I will remember. I remember a lot of things....Someone looks like Mike is actually called the Me Before You (a movie), there is a practice like that getting fat and looks at the wheel chair, he was one of those Chinese Buddhism Top idea.

The division away from the Indian Buddhism.

But for a lot of people, if you on the road meeting one guy come talking to you resemble to that TV, meaning you really really really cared about he continues to talk to you, or you probably have a word, might be "asking a guy" on a date. They are all useless or worthless in the human dignity in that living standard, why bother looking at them?

So the shape and the face becoming so so so so so so so important inside the American culture, SO SO SO SO important, because that is the middle school, or the high school exists the reason why. The year book. The last dance.

The worthless human to the worthless belief, or the worthless results to the worthless values why anyone even breath a liter of the air, I will tell you that, the worthless reason to stay alive, at all, the very reason you blink your eyes sight, imagine....the next.


This is really meaning the hell of it to you. 

Many months pass, many years gone ....no one knows....that as the conversation going on that I type my things, saying what not, and while all the points to the details were by pass, meaning the movie name were told 3 years ago, or the video clip, or the video scene....or forgotton whom are in which states, all that.....

You would have thought...

High tech right in front of you. Its literally per min and second staring me to you, fatty all that, the girls or the guys. Have we met? 

The eye glasses, black hair, you want to raise up your jaw? Looking left. 3-9

My left, your right.

When the crucifiction begins, not one wind will sip through my ears, anything dare to move, dare to breath, when I am talking funny every second, to ensure you will all ending up in the deepest the furthest hell, every second I see.....at all.

Sorry, what did I say before, long time ago, how my name supposes to exist? 

Sorry, they started where or what not said before. 

Its not the crucification, its repeated.

Funny? Clap !!! The motivation to free will, you are so sure....you going through the hell already, hahahah.....

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