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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Talking about the spirituality ....You didn't see yourself going out, we were saying that Harry Potter Arskaban, you know that day....

To today...

I was saying what that day? No, I didn't say 1000 people you have about 750 going out. I think I guess....I think I was just guessing.

I was just guessing. 


Ison Ison   Virtuous   IIV = 25    

Puqy  heroic                     PH     1

Sulu  moral                       SM    10

I don't really know why the human world requires the moral with that one Bible, and you all debts to promise the Lords your ego and the glory be that Harry Potter vows forever...

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