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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I think Jonathon has that one poker night with a lot of us. (Malaysia guy and Tamang and me there)

He invites the whole house of people, his father knows with his mom.

Meaning if Ireland just Nicky takes his TV wife to that Ireland previous PM, her dad ....for a poker. Not sure whom they are invited to sit there. She grows up right?

With Jonathon, we talk in English. They are ...going to speak in Irish right. You sit there having a problem whom the friends they invite to sit their own home's poker table? In their world, whom is Jonathon? He invites? 

You don't have regrets so you all plan one day to show up? Right Nicky goes to their world. I don't know whom is that Jonathon in Ireland. Its in that "I am not the Shopping Freak", is that Robert and Jonathon in that TV? The China TV.

3:28 - he says Jonathon


I think the Robert is at the beginning. Is his name Robert? Or one of this episode phone, whom called? Jonathon or Robert? 0:41

No, I am not going anywhere. My commercial here is a black girl and a washing clothes' detergent, 2 commericals. 

I can say what I think, because Tina that side has an older guy she going near, they doing the finance world in New York City. You know, you switch a date like the political worlds or the finance worlds, some girls like the older guy. Then Nicky didn't get in that conversation.

That egg is Bio my stuffs. My invention.

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