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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


If you knew the reality ...

I was always sitting alone on my throne. Everyone facing each other....

Like if I am in the crowdy place any seat, or I had my seat, to sound like a throne, and they make into a high tech story. As if that is a chair, but everyone is standing and shouting = we face the common enemy direction.

Whom is the enemy again?

I sometimes wonder the outside if they are the telepathy, they told me they are, the one near me. I meant more of the people going to the political world and the public throw garbage to them. Me and Zawanna gone. He just literally opens his mouth with the public human at the central?

They have the telepathy to fly or the high tech to fly ....

I always more believing it where I end up in the death life, not really so much I dare or not daring, for some reason its a hobby someone staring at the politics. And they tell you things as they are, or you stand on the side and what if you are wrong, if one time shouting was wrong, and the Heaven knows, we die as the mortal thereafter, isn't that hell?

Meaning they open their mouth per second rate speaking something....they might be right or wrong, or guessing...and that is not one act ending up in the hell.

Its unbelievable. He is so hell sure of it.

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