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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


She needs to be told what to do all the time, that Square. And she and Tina and Irene are low education, meaning fighting something they really really really tearing and cared about and hug together to comfer each other.

That is their Heaven. I know the hell is bad. I already say that 2 years ago or 5 years ago her uncle whatever this getting a location to cook and to clean 12 times a year.

In America, you don't get told what to do, you figure it out yourself, it is worsen in the classify or the military, to even worsen to the TV classify material all over the planet. No one telling you what to do to sound like a correct human, you don't walking all over the place  = they all doing it on purpose, really. 

They trying to tell me that name / title just happened to be there, I didn't evolve to get there to becoming anything because none of them met me in person long enough. She doesn't pick the herbs or the vegetable with local here Taiwan - any vendor morning market. My mother got told, that will be 5 years ago.

SMCH their groups unconscious me telling her that. 

In America, Wal-mart or Target, or other Whole Food or Wallgreen including the pharmacy store....there is a cart, there is a basket, I need the alcohol wipe in my car one of those me and nick had a routine, not to touch those cart in the middle of it.

  • How do you pick the pears, the apple, the banana for a short trips.
  • How do you plastic wrap anything in that veggie session or the container session or the bread session.
  • A cutting board, a travel pack knife from Japan, a nice neat folded colorful cloth under nearth for that red wood table in the hotel. SMCH groups suppose to all knowing that. Either Square or Hank or Tina, none of them have anything close to any of that, if not the MEAT too big, too much salt, too much the food already.

I remember what I told that Hook, "Are you guys going back to NYC for that map to shoot the comet down?" ~~~ Far away from Taiwan to New York City, let me believe in that how they always doing things not in one time, but they have to go back to Washington D.C, I maybe don't move again laying on my bed....how long this gonna take to polish one hell of the Devil Wear Prada, on Free Will.

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