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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The day I met that BTX ending, I think I fainted....whatever the sounding or the Ending really all think alike.

They have to be told what to do ALL the time, that will including in Chinese ROC side, or English side No more ROC....except, everything without me side. 

You say you care about Hank, I have those Green reptilian kids or the Chinese monk kids combine. I am so blind, I cannot move anything out of my faces. 


Pang and Tina is not going to grown up, a lot of people never grown up in life, I have no idea what is the ending of all of them, really. I cannot do anything but staring all these, they will NEVER surf the wave with those inside the TV monitor, its too much for me. People live a life because they have to be told what to do ALL THE TIME  - and their happiest moment its hugging together a group holding hands or prayers or hugging that momentarily, if they are all in Taiwan, let's say 1 months, they see each other one time, they make that life a habit, you mean they will aging, or they will die.

Their grand mom died already. My father is without his mom, I haven't even know what is his condition at all clearly. 

Washington D.C

"oh ~ Today I just met a new friend, we are going to Friday night, that girl just arrives, we all gonna go out." ~~~ Tina Jojo

"Me and Tina gonna go for a walk" - holding arm-to-arm, Square and Tina.

"oh ~ we family going for an eat out - we dining with the kids today, Square and Tina, you want to come?" "No."

"I think some of the Youtubers from Taiwan, they are in the lobby. We went to walking down stairs seeing that."  "I am busy on the phone."

I cannot describe anyone landing anywhere finally with a transportation doesn't know what supposes to be done inside their life just like how they go about their money in this real life, how to save, or how to keep the goal clear, or the argument clear, or the situation clear. It will NEVER NEVER clear out this classify inside the movie monitor, until they reach hell.

Anywhere they cannot do anything without anyone, any family, or any friends, or any any any any this, they are too busy, WHY ARE WE GOING TO the D.C?

Their IQ is truely remarkablely LOW.

There are their dad's side ROC commanders local here or from China?

oh dear.

oh mine....without their dad. 

I am very sure you mean American classify = American military or American TSA or NSA or what else....those classification, Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species ...

Because China

= Taiwan small tiny

= Japan whomever...

= Australia

Then they all equal sign

A = B = C = D = E = F = G

There is American classify Black Ops, must be the hell of their Intelligent,

So there is Reptilian, Greys, Nordic starting 1956 or 1954?

Then where you BTX EVER be.

The only thing I am happy its one less human to worry would be Babaji inside the hell, or barring down from most high, its never gonna be.

Spirituality !!!!!

( So I can inhale one cubic air of my quiet room, IF I can lock them all up somewhere )


They are nothing but the misery of my own life testimony, really. 

I have to watch the news. 

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