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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Outside those “bigger” world is colder mentality.

They are. And they are not the same people, so that love is not you yourself whom you born that sphere, you born with the friends, the mother or the relative. One nick, hurts me long enough. Really, very very bad situation but it’s enough space and time to complete I need to do things, just I need to secure my money right now in front of me this very very real things.

They can drawn me towards…

Me |      Police       |    Military basic officer         |      Classify            |          Ops |

           /  |  \               /  |  \             /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \   /  |  \

The older people they revenge, when they succeeded in the real life sense, they revenge too right on the monitor like towards Eben or that was Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Most time they will tell you, you spent time to get jealous them, they don’t even know you exist in life. One damage is long enough. 

Imagine me youth grown up

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