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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


A lot of people taken this is normal, someone makes a saying in public never stop saying the same exact things !!

Someone makes a public saying. Not just publicly you all gamble what things to keep harming me and not here solving things, the court will tell you all that. You doing things behind her back imagine to solve a medical campus asking you all do things. It’s none!

There is a reason between me and Heaven inside, someone because they are intuitive, everyone else doesn’t mind to imagine the jail while I live as I was just literally born here. But there is a very blurs situation and when the celestial happy human forgotton ~~~ I am on Earth the mortal body how can anyone forgotton jail, it’s a guest house!

On Earth itself as I sip back my very very rational personality to analyze as how I present my photo - again, everyone by pass that’s normal someone makes a very very stern call for the eternity of it. Really. I don’t know why you cannot or the public cannot just hear everything I meant I say thousand times - no one has the kids and don’t bother me !!

Between your state UB graduate students, you miss your parents or you need to get out personality. If without my jobs or Westlife shows up ( a whole SA whereabout), I don’t need to heed that one commander-in-chef stranger’s voice. 

He will tell me I do on purpose !

No one there UB to-be a female commander and in the last 10 months, it’s very very very very bad looking and become worsen from my personal objective seeing to validate this one commander says.

Of all things being stagment, my literal per mins life is in a grave felt, that’s already by pass the human basic living and breathing scenario. 

At the present in front of me.

Things to lean towards in life, 

Things to lean towards in life, 

Things to lean towards in life, 

Either you jealous why I cannot keep a brain and just blur to the entire public why I would step be careful with my life and even worse 1000% they hear me curse of all this situation never end !!! I am doing my part you would have saying I am guessing my position how soon that MB when another beautiful shows up or the old friends his entire life attention span changes “literally from the grave yard”.

As a women, imagine everyone has a mother. The most normal household, the women must be steady and be careful for both everyone in that life. I am SO happy I have none legal this or that but while they the stranger celestial be showing up, I am a female as that.

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