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What’s this BTX? The list I want ?


Hank 73=Tina ?? Dad


Technical mel-function…

He is not like you, comfer …I mean money wise you don’t eat, or you are…being happy one of those? There is a lot of things you don’t need, wipe floor, cut the kids nails, or trash bags, or …PC games.

You have a lot of your friends, he got zero friends, I got gazillion junks.

You achieve in this Eon, or Kalpa, he will never know, being a president means they cage inside that 4 side walls on a table desk, so I say they are the mediocre paper thin, that doesn't mean those have no use in the real life sense I don't give them the credits because our Earth time is very limited.

I started....no one. No vision, just the mechianical practice Light and Sound, inside that world, they are all from lower IQ world, no one does that but glorifying ego. Hank will never get in those he thinks what that is. Money, is most people inside this world people zone, happy or content to where that arrive inside our world, and you will know, none of them like the world outside.

They cannot hear outside.

They must live in here.

Not even a personal room all here my room, you understand? You are happy, you are friends, you are working or delicate almost like the human intelligent, meaning you seeing countless places their president, their goodness or IQ or accuracy and precision, or personality, flair all that combine....

You wishing he knows you knowing all that, won't you? You wishing he would be side by you be happy to seeing those and be happy for them and for everyone including that Babaji he is happy content inside, so everything looks like that. When the money becoming the unlimited none applicable, but our world here design is very primitive, its not going to becoming the outside.

Lazy, fat, too wounded, never psychiatry for that tiny face, the feeling important, not the discipline important, the parents important never work out the world in large "service to humanity." however this world incarved that world will never looking like the outside.

It doesn't have.

Do you want me to take him one by one seeing UB campus? All that?

Revolutionary girls stair? The boy groups I don't know if they go in person. I can hire someone accompany them.

Taiwanese is never gonna be American, he has the accent so he sounds like that.  I am not sure he just wish to stay as the Taiwanese, not the UN ambassadors. He freezes whatever that is, he is just a boy starting like my brother growing it tall. 

You were?! Too many happy circle friends and gossip all these profiles, he doesn't have that kind of the worlds, common goal.....he is going to think all your form, really. Not my form.

I cannot understand any of them, of course I cannot understand any of them. They don't earn money, or for some reason....its not targeting the Money. I used to say....

There is a shooter on the UB roof, he cannot go back?! 

HE is the one? (pale, the Montana....), what does that mean he is the one, BTX?  I think, he is not Ronan you know and Reptilian says starting at zero or minus, one of those combine if the Open Day he will realize. A real spirituality, not any of that. 

Taiwan is not going to see that Dr. Gabriel Cousen. Sorry, Hank, he is a Taiwanese. Never gonna be Tina forever never Dr. Gabriel Cousen, the last name ROC them. Big meat, big fish, big sauce, China coastline ......Tina is very giant if she will just do as she pleased all that just like her father, the China coastline.

EF Montana, he is not EF. Its not EF Montana just the same like the EF Kentucky, why don't you say EF Oregon, look at that duplicate with the Class 10 English her inside that Korean main actress, exactly identical. I think we eat near by he, then Terry, and those Class 3 English, 25 years gone....none will speak English, never even tried, at all.

Never gonna be soon enough, anything else?

Just Hank. He needs to be, or he needs to be dead? Be and be dead....I don't think he has any IQ left to where he sets himself up whichever the court allows him the allowance on the money, it will never be the next step when that accuracy or the precision gonna come by. Just....田、園....Karen's new bf if she finds him, his material I keep written over those property line, those belly is fat and drunk. Never gonna be I say, or I pulling the strings too tight, not the Halo too tight, the President and the Legal worlds too tight, open up your mouth with that IQ of yours, on the stage soon, all that.

One good thing about Hank, he doesn't die in humiliation in front of the whole Cosmo, he cannot HEAR IT, or whichever this God's committee Boards looking like Mushroom professor. NEVER the human education world even they know that is not right.

Where you been that is not OUR WORLD.

I don't even know that Zawanna or Kail exist not to say this God's committee Board looking like that, all of those culture.....ITs NOT Loving, its with the Evil, or Me, or IQ never ends....you cannot even do that in the current outside those military pamp kids world, their senior officers including the Reptilian is not like that, not even Greys.

Where you been? 

They told me there is no such things other than the Corperation sleek....

You want to destroy Hank, you want to tell me he understands that IQ with the movies first, or....every step the way, its every them every possible way they understand!!!


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