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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, I know about Westlife, you means girls around them....

Right...a lot of Asian girls are not the medical, nor the science, nor the lab, nor the food processing, nor the material science.


Voice Memo


You UB wants to know if Westlife and with the TV wife, or the American all guys here their real gf, or all that all around things, you want to theft, or hurts them, or warning them, or given them a horse down whip first?

The Chinese 下馬威 = Down horse whimp, or swing whimpy.

You as a girl only takes one guy, one home, one home owner. I have to lock it my door, that's why I have a guest house home. I planning on that, but probably at Shane's home. Those human snap figure just like your American all President all on the top. I have no idea what inside the Harvard they did on the student activities.

Before they can becoming an American president, they need to know what is the fundraising, all that Harvard graduate will know. The guys. 

All that you becoming, its a free will.

Sometimes its really just the jobs required, they are guessing the TV materials, not they know exactly the situation, because everyone arrives home on their own. 

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