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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Again, which side?

The girls on the Westlife, or you all girls on the UB this entire American map?

Westlife vs UB guys (that is the UB parents parenting their kids.)

  • You did a lot of the wrong words when you say things.
  • A lot of the words
  • Every wrong words, wrong eye sight.
  • No, they are not blind when they need to not to be blind.

I am not going back to America

Here or I think Shane in Westlife is living in Ireland.

The guys, any kinds of the guys are not the saint. 

They have their own preference liking, and it will always be the girls lean towards them, and when you mention the sex things. Leaning towards, and the internet getting one thing I am very sure they meant to say in all the article.

A healthy open conversation.

The actual felt I don't know, I am not the guys, but all the article the beginning of every this "how-to", or right now I understand that words a lot difference - you mean the period, the Plan B or the Condon. Those are not the healthy talk, those are...all the things need to be talk about the life philosophy, it will never be a kid involved, no matter what.  The period, the health, how willing you commit to fitness, meaning jump or down, or lay down, that kind. How clear you mean the faint out

No, I don't have that anymore, but there is a lot of the time horizontal and the water statue in hydration the first things in the morning, but...its I lay back down, and go to pee, about 5 times rotation of the first 2 cups of the water, or 1 cup, if I am too busy. But sip 1 or 2 mouth. The weight will go down in 5 talks pee interval. Or more than 5+, its very exhausting why anyone would be jump or down, jump up or jump down.

Right, but I found out one thing Ronan stands there, I probably freak out. You cannot tell me that 10 years pass. 

1 Cup = 2 cup your small tiny cup. Its a long taller white cup right now.

No, I have to care about the health and fitness and the exercise, not like that, but every hygenic, you as a guy....that is how you look like. Right. I used to be in the team, and that UB 4 blocks. Right, or the UB Alumni, you run on the second floor, no, not the fitness not those weight lifting. You are the guys. I can see the real guys.

No. my hand wrist.

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