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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


🦖 My face doesn’t show | the upper sphere they have a way to talk !

You normally wish with the Eon pamp, it’s at least their all IQ exists and equip, no more this here the face card.

That guy has a gun, like Thor. My astral body there, that guy kills with a gun. He cannot aim at 3 or 4 direction, you like those mild husky?

No, the Past (3) and then present after 5 Lords review, the balcony. 

Inside a sleeping beauty that castle throne, it’s him Past. The Game of Throne.

Here on our Earth movie is the actor Sean Bean.

The day I got on this job the period after Queen die, I don’t ever had one slightly fantasy what the guy brain looks all looking like Shane’s brain like their monitor, 1st and 4th glues, everything else is not real. So the pains goes away. It’s a season passing things just like the sun. He is the Sun. 

You understand that kind of talk?

“I am happy everyone is happy inside their own very life, really.”

Here, you have one Shane youth face about 20+.

He is really talking like that. Did he finish the school?

You all investigating him like the Iron man you imagine the jail guy to jail female old lady will-be?

I don’t really know that parts of SA, if anyone asks Shane, I never even inquire UB one face. Not one you said or did say to him or ruin already he and me or he and SA or me with ANY SA.

I am not interested. 

Meaning I am not interested in one name gossip, one second open my one breath to talk about. Not one second why worthy thee thy thou, anyone has a value. You are right. 

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