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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


My bed sheet this morning, full blood pad, 2 sheet up or down.

Do you do that, is that a message like my pad? 

I am busy. I had to wash my hair and dry.

Its the mode. Not the cluster part, that is upper, the blood goes to more right side if I face my wall. I use the foam to sleep, it has a cover.

天堂來的沙 !  must be the blonde hair on Pang's head, that is Lance Bass....You can all dye your hair in Taiwan 其實你們亞洲人可以自己去染頭髮,純金的那種金子,量子是真的金髮 ! 

The mattress broke 床破了 ! 

MY ENTIRE Roof 我整的屋頂

My brother calls, 我弟弟打電話

My mother says go and say hi, 她叫我跟他說嗨 ! 

We two just scrabble this cover 我們兩個才剛剛刷完

I got a cup of the clean water + the Japan detegent formula She got a tooth brush and light up that cover, I go and change the foam water to clean water, in 2 mins, that things are off. She goes busy, she already busy whole morning cooking, and I just get rid of all the sheet and putting finish the new one, he just happened to called in the middle of this.

我拿了一杯水+日本的清潔劑公式,她拿了一個牙刷跟光看著這個 表面,我去換了這泡泡的水再清水,兩分鐘,這東西刷掉,她去忙,她已經忙夠了早餐~我現在換掉所有被套 ! 才在這中間,我弟弟打電話 ~~

We just finish saying there were modes,she took the bed sheet somewhere outside.


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