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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Is that a song? Left leg ending that side of the mattress

At the lower scale of the bed mattress, its the edge broke straight edge line all the way down - the side of the mattress, but most sit at the buttom off the mattress on that black board. On my left foot is I lay on it.

Neo is dead, that looking guy, poison to die with next whomever that is. They suck the poison and sent to the all white looking race to be heal. Anything is none applicable. Just I say that is where thy are.

帝君 is about to die too.

I tape it black board, its a mattress hold up bed frame, higher with the header bed as a set. Its a open box below.

They are the music business, just.....look at them faces all around. I am very sure their IQ exactly how they look like with all around people included.

If they didn't find me from the jailed and put them back and make the entire company vanish, so that King & Co. Co means Company, is not copyright, one of those no one selling the CD anymore open a CD case just like 90s we have the CD players, that sounds all right. 

The Toronto Artist Festival !!!!  Its worse than that I am telling you. 

I don't want to see, I don't want to know, I don't want to hear. I tell Shane one person don't bother telling me any contact, any number any address. Other than one phone my original phone, your name and number. I don't care about the address, the company mail box. 


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