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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I am the only person going to the court room with that one judge or the book keeper, BTX.

Why don't you tell me how I lie 1 to zillion how to re-words those saying, because that is fallen right on their paper, what you did behind?  Its protect them, or protect me? Against the constitutional? 

I cannot fix a 25 years I left Taiwan, I got NOTHING in Taiwan to set him up, not Hank. BTX. I have too many stress just to think of the court Judge. Whatever this classify their brain or the head, or anything I don't know. I AM NOT Omnipresent !

I wish the Judge has the brain, or I wish I will NEVER aging, it will be younger and younger Judge, HOW I safeguard me and 10 + 11 that will be Hank and Tina? oh my God. They will NEVER BE vegetarian and you eating oil....you mean they go the liver flush, not even that in America is trendy, can you quit?!

Those words are NOT legal word in American main stream medicine practice because you have the people's life on it.

"I used to."

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