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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I know there is a student activities to sound like, but it was in my high school or in UK or in UB too.

My neighbor what they gonna break things? My mother is on the phone.

I probably will tell you the studying in time, where my eye sight to find the classroom to sit in, or to use the computer lab to print things, or that transfer off-campus to on-campus file VPN, or going home to eat, or warm up my legs in Jame's that container box, or just sitting there or go to sleep. 

I will tell you if I wear your body....your eyes are keep looking inside that same walking coridor all over things in front of your eyes if you wears that contact lens. I think you never die out the romance very often. Really. 

I intuitively or all my life as the elementary school, I can only remember the GPA or going to school, so I cannot tell you any other way in thinking, but if I wear your body. You never had a GPA to process in the school, so you never believe inside your GPA or the school, including going home to finish your homework starting at your elementary school. You have skip more than one day or every day somewhat the homework.

You are not scared?

When I come to America, I got told about the teacher's job in UK

I never will look at the teacher's education credits because I never want to be a teacher, but that entire career has to open your mouth to explain things just like when I was in my middle school. I think the teacher's career has no money, right.

Not just that, I cannot make it in the English to write one paper right. Too suffering to me. My brain to literally describe a full sentence in English. 

I meant if God drops a job like a miracle, you just needs to open up your mouth to sound like a real things you explain will go through, because that is a job? At the very last resource? You are not comprehend the priority or the direction in your life, you are way way way too occupied, the day you walking out of your house door, you only see 10 people in the corridor, not 20-50 people in SA union in UB, or 100 people passing it by never stop + the professor in one day. 

You need that 10 people at that corridor, you go home and shrink back in life. 

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