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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Business (saving toward from your original career )

Here. (9:19)

When you were deciding and seeing some people having a career, and then a business idea. You saving partially other than the rental to your personal space and on eating. 

oh no ! Princess Serenity, again?!


You don't quit believing that things? You are living in the modern time, all the world Street, they are daily in their time zone, you know what the TV usually shows, you will never travel back in Time !!!

AT ALL. NEVER Persian or Egypt FOREVER. ITS America, and because we are so near this they only have 200 years, you can literally just meant that is a brand new land.

If this Earth stays intact loooong time, you won't feel American to be such subjective.....fresh new air !!! You ARE ALWAYS IN THE MODERN time, never ever this Loki or Thor, to Zawanna or Kail. FOREVER~~~~!!! Not that, not that, NOT THAT.

  • You never need to speak any language
  • You never NEED to threaten people unsure if they exist.
  • You NEVER need to making up what language inside you only comprehend to keep threatening whatever is inside this 4 points frame. I MEAN the modern TV only has the material science called the television high definition, everything stays inept, sit, and shut up.

And its a modern concert, boy bands. Long time gone forgotton I had a high school ! !!!

Everything look exactly correct, like it always been !!!

You know what kind of the life its to live in "comprehensive in English or mix with the picture the music, the literally and the way inside the story tilt their eye brow, because I am seeing my side of the every story. I am very sure that entire classify, don't have this one super world human to make me believe, this is between I bet I know the story, or you keep telling which side they written everything wrong in those story the eternity of it. "

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