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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I don't know the sunshine worlds if you keep your IQ like....every school subjects, or you just have the endless governmental or the military exams. None of that is the school book.

I guess I had some rulership past merits, so they give me 10 rudimentary subjects money. If you are an ordinary citizen, and without that title, and saying you use your IQ 10 subjects line.

I think its every field, you need to have the IQ. Not necessary their school grades are bad neither. IQ, the brain you have IQ in our world. In the Sunshine world might be our side that Justin Timberlake movie: In Time, so you cannot rise to the top.

I am not sure.

The way I rule - I will say the personal hygenic and Math

Again, that might be very IQ too. I just never never never never imagine it could be that low. Maybe because my family background and I had a Past Rulership internal structure, I didn't believe a certain thing when you - a modern time on Math to say per month, you what? 

Me and Westlife or that entire SA finish talking. I just leave.

When the guys are on the madness, top of their head, you leave the whole winter, then the summer....but I don't think they stop doing that, so its every morning they get mad.

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