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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I didn't hate that person enough, that is what the priority in front of the human life means to you.

Right? You never built a life together with someone, or just 1 person long enough. 

Maybe all the guys should be dead I am telling you. I am busy ...

You intend to say you making every relationship work of the past, sorry, how do you say that in English?

Working out your past karma, or the past relationship "oh well, it didn't work out."

We didn't start to destroy each other's life I am telling you. Or I go sabotage myself, that is what you mean. 
Your priority in life has fun ingredient how to vola, or keep that fame, or keep things untidy, or how you make your points til you pushing pushing pushing yourself out of the door. Whichever that door is.

You want to build a trust bond, you have to effort in why you are there all the time with the things staring at it. 

You mean you deliver a job, or just simply to live a responsible life.

A career, a planning, an understanding. Not fake.

Which part of me looks like a fake things I say, or done?

Growing up means a lot of things, your maturity, your attention or the process of your comprehensive where things should be or are.

Right now that is my personal life !!!!

Not the TV fake news, the fake TV front spot light, just too way too Tina Jojo, I am telling you.

The national emergency is because Taiwan always how I grew up knowing that. 

No, we are not close to the military, but ...when you grew up, there will be things I know, I see, I hear about. None of that has anything to do with them or the America, if I am personally right here. Its just right here.

I have the relative getting old, and one my mother issues.

1 person. I keep saying 1 human, it didn't mean to you, I just hold on to it.

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