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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie on the TV - 194 countries all together to air.

Meaning each of us, can raise up the head seeing that one wall with a high definition screen.

You don't need to imagine I care I don't care, I just happened to have only 2 human in my life!!! I don't need to convince anything I believe, don't believe. I even wrote down per line per word to express my position or saying. The rest everyone else takes care, but if I did say the National Emergency House, I wasn't without thinking to go about life. Have I ever thought about, yes, 2 human. Right now its only 1 !!!

(with the birds too, right )

Inside your life, your ego structure will live and breath on how to win or lose. It won't matter the money or no money, most time you don't make the money in the end of any line. 

As long as I ever remember since Canada was a very very long drive, I never feel I stay in one place just fix to have.

  • My room
  • My dining table
  • My blanket
  • sorry, blanky...
  • Stuff puppy
  • Pink drape, or something comic books or toys
I am very sure its all romantic outside the space, so on Earth it was 194 countries landing, at all, those unimaginative...whatever the costs.

I never need to drag any human, I just need to drag myself I am telling you.

You all party too long with me one person hanging, has anyone saying that to you? You feeling the world peace starting 2014, it was everyday happy, joy, gossip, you might just didn't know how happy you becoming this world that happiness no border bound all together.

But what you known as the leadership, or the householder if you becoming one, its everything has to put up that behind.

With 1 person, that is 1 person her or with my brother Pang. Things are very easy says in front of me. Westlife is Westlife, I heard all that say, I say all I meant.

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