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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...




Rama 1/2, a doctor in the school clinic. 

If shaken the shoulder down some SUPER power, its all the way to the feet all that tor turn around ankle stuffs. I got injuried badly in Thailand, nick helps me and taught me everyday, he and brother Quac they used to be the buddies.

I did spent time, well, I don't know how to describe to you. Some people never touch their arm, their pelvic bone, or washing....and never gonna be ankle. But I did.

I know cervical



Sacrom they English they pronounce. I don't know how to...memorize, but I only know the sound.

That is a dinosaur name in the movie, she pronouce. But I never seen the words. Mimmo.

King of King's dragon dinosaur. 


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