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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


All your attention focus is how unfair the movie did to you, and that one person like Simon or Dean or Wing on the map. 你們所有注意力其實是電影對你不公平,這一個人的什麼西門、迪恩或是 Wing 在地圖上面

Right, I can see. How to argue vigorous to the Judge, that one person is not the American medical board finally.


Normally, no one speaking in Chinese to them. 通常沒有人講中文給他們聽聽

How about you doing the right things sound like a career because Simon is in England side, like Queen Consort with toooooo many kids issue. She has 2 kids too?! One writes a book included. You all very skillful writing your novel indoor, not investigating anything else last time I say. She reads and literal.

你們UB 要不要做點正常事情職業上,像說西門是英國地盤像說,皇后 consort 名稱不知道叫做什麼,她自己本身有兩個小孩,一個寫書,你們都非常非常精湛於寫作,不是站起來去調查,上次我講的,她看書跟文學看的懂!

Debbie is my uncle's wife, has too many this 2010 when Fanny they came near, she is one person with my mother + too old grandmom, too many things to say, what happen that Maggie stuffs below her.  I know her. I did the liver flush on her. She has yield the liver stone. Victoria Secret - Selena = my grandmom looks like Nominji 6 sibling. So many balloons, that is 3 MD her brother, next that military surgeon doctors, I don't know how to count that anymore.

我舅媽是我舅舅的太太,有很多事情 2010 那個加拿大她們分瓜家產,帶著我媽跟阿嬤,太老了! 很多事情不需要說的關係,叫做樓下是 Maggie. 我認識她是我做的肝臟的 stone, 她有看到她自己的。在秘密上一堆氣球- 小賈斯汀的女朋友叫做 Selena 是我阿嬤長的像,蒙古的那個 清海無上師的唱歌的,舅媽有三個哥哥是醫生,就是在軍醫旁邊這個,我不太會算已經。

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