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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


MD 6+2, one in truely that I say today, and another one ....is !!!

No, it may not be both. You just ask them in advance, what the definition is to be the real MD.

8 sincerely kneel at them asking them what it means to be the real MD, how far that measuring ruler suppose to be. If you starting correctly, 8 of you don't need to suffer, not one of you guessing you pick a straw like that.

Between the chosen or none chosen.

Do I Anna need to be an MD? No.

Do I need to have a hospital business? No.

So you just talk about, you are not afraid if you talk about it, you ruin your own business? I become so random things got ruin in the beginning I take that. It might.

So you are not serious? I told the American medical board right here.

Why not at the court? It just got to my mind, I wish to have a hospital business?

And why not wait or file the paper work? I don't write things anymore on my personal space, I just tell the American medical board I think the TV is about them, and I think the hospital I have been seeing the high tech I am happy. That is a system scale I remember...or they remember I had a Brian's major. One of those?

You saying things to Pixie or make money with Pixie, you are not afraid be jailed by all of us you guessing the Pixie exist, with that TV?

Some human are so confident in this life, I meant it I will never go to jail by just telling the Pixie right here, everything on my mind. I see on the screen, I immediately 100% related what I think. No lie, no hide, just straight forward

Are you planning to make the money with Pixie? NO!

And why not? I written those things are not at the Pixie. Its in-line court jurisdiction they process that, the in-line.

Why you keep use that words, some of this word I cannot understand what is in-line?

Inside the territory line.

Then what is an on-line or outside the line?

Pixie its at the line + the transportation all this TTC included commercial or private or you saying the industrial rail road on the mapping points.  Outside the line it is none of us business in-line.

Does the Pixie pays the lawsuit you write them to you?

No, the court finds out and fix that problem because I suffer in it, or everyone else. That entire timing to process that might be many many years. But they can do something immediately, so the action can forward immediately at the personal level. The pixie can look at it and file on their own, because I know a certain thing, they already got told, so they have been years having a lot of things combine. They might just know what the TV means, with my combine materials. 

Do they pay you?

They take it free from on-line.

Free service.

Kind of.

And why don't you charge them?

With Pixie, I think I just stay as far as I can. I already don't like any human, its not their problems, but someone needs to be online so they got told. Why...I think I should be online with them in witness. That kind.

What about Westlife?

I don't really like about the beard things because its everywhere, so I say one thing in front, in person I ask them.

Are you going to see them in person?

No. Not me going to them, no. Not at this moment, I describe you everyone has a cluster in their court room. They might have to do a pitch toning. My field is not in the music, so that toning I don't really need. I never practice the music.

What is a toning?

Do, Ra, Mi with the machine toning.

What's that?

A device.

Do you guys talk about what you gonna do inside the court room?


Why not?

I will personally tell you I don't really know what I tell Westlife anything so important, seriously in life. 

So you are not talking about anything?

Not today, why?

Not everyday?

Today is not everyday, been a while.

Isn't they are on tour, your Youtube?

Right...well maybe China makes them doing that a bit.

Why don't you tell them to quit? 

I tell them to tell my mother to quit. 

Do you literally talking to them everyday?


Because you are online?

Right, and I do some other things.


No, I lay down but recently I cannot just lay fine sleep. I got a problem I have no place to sleep.

And where did you go?

Me and the pillow and that long folded long comferter has to be moved middle point that way, but that is a cliff, for them. I have no space to breath, I don't know why.

Is that what you told Westlife?


You don't trust them?

This has nothing to do with the trust. I told Shane I have a problem but its not the elaborate a big deal description. 

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