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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I personally have one time spoken about this (My operator)

Those are the backup singer. Meaning what is the definition of your telephone louder speakers about this backup singer? They are just all sounding the same as the back up dancer !!!!!!

Shane Filan he is a business major. Where is his current CD album, I have none. Below, where the fine print at, he changes or rotate that entire business name or the logo, or the trade mark such as Apple were a different name and change? Numerology, trade mark logo 2005? Around those time?

Olsen Twin I say its bankcrupt = the consumer beauru, they cannot sustain their personal image, without the schooling included. That entire fashion line were the student format.

Do you have any question?

Next time, you operating exactly per word I hardly type on the keyboard, to my TITLE IN CHINA TV. Per word I say it!!!

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