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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I had one time I live by myself, I did in California.

I personally feel very very very funny at it. But I have endless works that time 2015 May on. A lot of this things you heard today. I am not saying you love to be alone, to a very luxury apartment, if I can afford myself.

I just accept my present moment in my own house with my mother, really. That is when things get bad I tell you all to fix it. I don't think in this American medical board you saying how far you reaching the European medical board to one day outside. Their requirement is different. You die on the job you will with one handicap.

You have to make sure, there is nothing open outside .....Babaji told me that is a space shuttle, Reptilian will take that shuttle to the black hole = the hell. So forget that one whomever guy looks like Ancient Chasez.

The other ones he says its the 方程式 = the equation.


I am not feeling well.

Those 18+-25+, they can just make themselves the perfect wall flower to stand anywhere without me, really. Its every year, every Class, they keep doing this military orientation table, if with the cloth......one of those seminar included.

Its between the girls and the guys, they love those stuffs.

The public stage one of these dress up. Its funny too.

The National custom






The wood furnished Tiny Home


Selling balloon, someone bought all that


She is 42


The Youth: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N-WELPSlzNk

Go be happy in your all happy world. When you grew up, saying another 20 years, and someone let you going near this American medical board or the Washington D.C or the Industrialists, just by the power of IQ, you mean every textbook? Right?

What about Babaji or all those? No! I am on Earth. That Linkedin you will never move those profile over and to do the right jobs, I know that day 1, but I wish you will try, so it literally move the FIRST one on my profile out of it. That is your own American medical board standard, they know where I am.

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