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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The space, or the branch of Babaji's work all that? No, me would be at Earth this very basic one American medical board really.

I say this again from my last post. 

That LinkedIn you will never move these profile over and to do the right jobs, I know that day 1, but I wish you will try, so it literally move the FIRST one on my profile out of it. That is your own American medical board standard, they know where I am.

Only I keep saying this, you can just take that public fame with the 10 rudimentary subjects, one subject starting, to one American medical board you are staring at it right now.

You used to never even think of your own state licensed board, in that one New York State, or TN, or SD, or FL.

When I mention these 2 things from the very Top where that Washington D.C oversees them.

1. The American medical board

2. The 50 state the medical license board.

When you are 40 years old, not 30 years ago like 10 years ago where I was.... stuck, it literally just copy paste your brain again anything out of the last 30 years where I been was only the 4 side wall the school. That is not a job ..... that is.... I don't even know how you lie inside your life starting with the school, that is what I can literally telling you. You learn things once, you forget from the day 1, you will never finish that medical school eternity as long as you shall ever lived. You just never asking me the opinion written on my own profile if I set up that for each one of you psycho. 

To Simon. You all never quit on that one Simon Cowell. 

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