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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


In-line, meaning inside the territory lines, you have MD, lawyer, IT ....the professional upper scale client money wise.

These what you defined as per office works, in-line. Meaning in Canada or in the US, you often seeing the plaza or the yellow book you might have inquire the local doctors or the X-ray from the near by somewhere to book an appointment. Someone might be very skillful just by doing all that.

These professional has a real license to carry a business, such as the O.D

Westlife - Hero

( You are not going to eat in front of the camera just like me, to be the most exaggerating things in life, at all. Not at Westlife, not at backstreet boy front or the back, I have no idea whom they were. )

Then within these in-line other than you all contempt pension jobs are as follows:

The military (whole life or Pixie related), the teachers secondary up to professors, the governmental such as the post mail man - these taken exams.

Every other in-line jobs can be, the accountant, the technician, the science private or the public academia institution, the private collector, the hospital.- affiliate research ground, name, no name behind the governmental-military complex. 

For that one Sailor moon, the education alone is forever.

Other than that, you will have some other public speakers, the pair up in the science / the science discovery, the inspiration speakers. I heard the accounting or what was those words also in this Sailor Moon (?).

There is something they found out or something if you have the education to say less bimbo to gather a 4 table eating style on the top of your head, its the dropping debts in red like Ocean 13 movies, I look at that straight line down, you are so sure to be dead, I am telling you. I am not the banker, maybe they will have the compassion to me, what that one movie Ocean 13 ending looks like to all the curses of this 7th taller ground to hoovering anything horizontal towards that Taipei Station sound like that ocean 13 yellow light everywhere to inside all this coffee shop of every entrance of the table in several store,

"you really really really bother me."

When you ever talked about not in-line, not in the same flag defined the country territory, you mean you drive up Canada 100 times.

You have North American trade treaty or agreement, or including that Costco having the fresh cu flowers from Africa, or including the agriculture sense that required an air commercial flight or the cargo ship shipment container, including the land mass East to West, West to East that stop Buffalo high way every 5 oclock stuck the traffic if you were coming home from Long island visit to Western New York on that very same I-90.

Its going toward the West somewhere road to my brother, Silas, or Jonas that direction. 

So the definition will be Not in-Line

Space Project, or Black Ops, NASA  behind borderless 

The Pixie was the new given name, when the world are like EU for saying the borderless that day, its one of those behind all Black Organization - Governmental or the Military complex that will cooperate in the international scale, not necessary saying only Criminal Justice, they probably have something else to do, you just don't know what those are. 

Project Camelot or Project Avalon are only the media outlet someone learning something, such as some English words, some American operation in which label. Technically no one will be that my looks to going anything near them. My look.

Talk, stand, microphone, IQ....well.

The fashion they added for you, talking in the correct English, or sitting down sound like everyone looking inside that camera, why that is Space Project must be classified in that English my small tiny brain understand, sorry, comprehend

And capable to literally verbalize out the front to the back what they are saying, copy and paste. I highly doubts there is anything to do with any of you, its invalid, really. 

When the government doesn't care about the money that day, some people will be selected. I didn't get chosen yet, meaning my money were the legal court pursue.

You didn't understand what you are doing, some people will tell you that. But behind all that,

behind all that, 

behind all that,

Everyone can tell you don't know what you are doing, not your life, not someone involved your life, you screw up both that near by life, and if with the kids worsen. And all the life all around you, you are the bomb, literally everyone's pain. Your face just meant it on the TV screw up, you are very happy that is exactly what you mean it to do to everyone, exactly just the TV means.

You didn't learn a word from them. Classify. 


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